There's been a LOT of snow this year, not to mention the sustained minus twenty something degree temperatures with wind chill. Cool.

Winter, version .08-09, is finally over. Spring is upon us and March leads the charge to more accomodating conditons. I just purchased a number of tickets to Cubs games and the voice of Ron Santo bellows from my radio speakers announcing, in no uncertain terms, that spring has arrived. The stark beauty of snow covered landscape is giving way, mud. Well, OK, it's going to take a little while to sort things out but I look forward to the promise of flowers and sunshine and, uh, tornados. I love nature. Let's go hug some saplings.
Recent business took me to Portland, Maine. It was a great place even if this was what they call the "mud season." I was a busy man but had a chance to see a bit of the town, all on the peninsula. It made me want to don my flannel shirt, smoke a pipe on the wharf, play my accordion and swig likker from an old clay jug. I wish I was just kidding about that.
DISTRACTIONS, Major and Minor

Recently read...

"Midwife of the Blue Ridge" by Christine Blevins, Berkley Trade; 1 edition (August 5, 2008)
I never read romance novels but this one came to me through my friends the Blevins. Chris is wife to Brian, my colleague at the College of DuPage, and a mighty fine spinner of tales it turns out. This is her first novel and the first of a series, so if you like this one, there are more to come. This is a real page-turner!

Currently watching...

"BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, fourth season" Well it's over now but if you missed it you can still find the final episodes being streamed online (just click on the aforementioned title). Now why should you care? If you were to hear a description of the story line you'd probably think this is a for-geeks-only kind of program, and while that might hold true to some degree it is a story that quickly transcends the sci-fi category as only good sci-fi does. This is a story about what it means to be human in all it's dark and complicated facets (contrasted by some all too human robots who can't seem to agree upon anything either). It was a great ride and previous seasons are out on DVD. If you think things a challenge in today's economy, check this out. It suggests they could get a whole lot worse if we're not careful.

Recently seen...

Lyle Lovett and John Hiatt paired up for a special evening of acoustic music. To see these two venerated talents playing with only their six strings you see how truly talented they are. Both were in fine form. I've seen them both before, along with Joe Ely and Guy Clark. On this night though I thought Lyle was a bit better.

Listening to..

"Road to Ensenada" - Lyle Lovett (1996) MCA Records
It's an oldie but having enjoyed Lyle's performance at the Rialto I thought I'd pull this one out for old times sake. One of his better discs, I'd say.

WHAT'S NEW ARCHIVES (uh, What's Old)

Winter 2005-06Spring 2006Summer 2006Fall 2006
Winter 2006-07Fall 2008