Late Autumn Weather, weather, weather. What is it that leads me back to this topic. It has had a lot of influence on my life even though I know it's a mundane subject. I grew up in southern California which has, weather-wise, spoiled me for the rest of my days. I have lived hither and yon around the globe and I should have known nowhere else could compare to the warmth and sun of SoCal, but what could I do?

It was fate that required that I travel thousands of miles across the country to have lunch with a bird. This years National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) conference was held in Seattle which is the real reason I found myself on a wharf with my seagull friend. I've been to Seattle only a couple of times but everytime I go it seems not to rain. It's a beautiful city that I have since learned from my pharmacist friend who once lived there, that it is the city with the highest rate of mood elevating drug prescriptions in the country. The suicide rate is also among the highest. Umm...
DISTRACTIONS, Major and Minor

Recently read...

"Surprised by Hope" by N.T. Wright, HarperOne, (February 5, 2008)
A challenging book for Christians that believe the ultimate plan is to "retire" to heaven when we die. This is a paradigm shifting book that is very compelling. It's not an easy read, however. There are also numerous references that may not be comprehensible to the un-initiated to Wright's world. It's well worth the effort though. But it's not for the unbeliever.

Currently reading...

"The Cost of Discipleship" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Touchstone Books, Simon and Schuster, first published in 1937, First Touchstone Edition 1995
This book was written by a brilliant man who stood up to Hitler in the midst of the chaos, to stake the Christian position that exposed the evil that he saw and spoke up against incredible pressure. It cost him his life, but his works remain as the most magnificant fruit of his faith.

Recently seen...
Loudon Wainwright III. I saw Loudon Wainwright live the other night for the first time at the MAC theater at the College of DuPage. He was the opener for Leo Kottke, though I think of this dysfunctional duo Loudon gets my vote for headliner. There were two songs that stuck out in my mind and they were both from his recent Strange Wierdos release. This, I think, is a good sign. An artist knows he is still relevant when current work is the stuff that still sticks in your head. The two memorable tunes were "Grey in L.A." (my old stompin grounds) and "Doin' the Math" (a warning against counting the years). The latter is my fave.

Listening to..
"Strange Weirdos" - Loudon Wainwright (2007) Concord Records Records

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