HAPPY HOLIDAYS! While there was no snow for Christmas, there was enough for some recreational cross-country skiing in nearby Herrick Park at the beginning of December. It was an actual snow day the day of the storm. The schools were closed and we got to play in the snow. Well, frankly, most sensible folks stayed indoors. It looked great though.

Yes, the dark days of winter have descended. When I first moved out here I thought the cold was unbearable. But then either global warming or some thickening of the blood has taken hold. It doesn't seem that bad anymore. In fact, Chicago being such a great sports town has provided a lot of entertainment especially with the Bears (who are alternatively bearable or bearly winning). I'm also a Bulls fan now. Something that is different from rooting for the Michael Jordan era Bulls.
So, winter is okay these days. No complaints. In fact, it provides some special moments of beauty. I try to capture them when they occur. I usually carry my camera around with me but then there are always the times when I come across something special, and yup, no camera. We recently had a day that was really foggy and I missed it. There is no better optical opportunity than a foggy day. Get'em next time..

DISTRACTIONS, Major and Minor

Currently reading...
"Wild at Heart" by John Eldredge, Nelson Books (April 3, 2001)
Finding a man's true nature as a reflection of God is not the wimpy bunch of nice guys that are often found these days but Elderedge points out that just as the earth was created as a place that is "not safe but good"..and so it is with man as well. He relates that the movie Braveheart reflects many of the challenges of being a man and I saw it last night and found it to be true. To do what is right in the face of danger, to risk all for something worthwhile, to live passionately, all this describes the life of Jesus Christ. I pick up my virtual sword and yell "OO-RAH".

Recently read...
"Last Night" by James Salter, Vintage Books; 1st edition (March 14, 2006)
A beautiful collection of short stories. My wife passed this one on to me when she finished it and I remembered why I have always held James Salter in such high esteem over the years. He captures so much in a single brush stroke. Speaking of years, if you get the chance, I highly recommend his "Light Years" Vintage Books; Reissue edition (January 31, 1995), a story of a marriage.

Recently seen...
It is the season to go to the opera, in this case the Chicago Lyric Opera. This time I admit I was less than enthusiastic about a Richard Strauss operetta with a party theme, Die Fledermaus. You see, it's all about revenge sought by a one Dr Falke, who became so inebriated at the ball he was unaware of being left in the public square dressed in his bat costume. Imagine waking up in public dressed as a bat (we are in fact left to imagine it , it is not depicted in the opera). I don't know, if it were Hollywood no one would blink, but I digress. After finding out who was responsible for this slight (it couldn't be him, after all, umm..) he plots his revenge. There's a lot of clowning around and the finale is a rousing song that blames the champagne for everthing. So I was completely and pleasantly suprised with a production that was first-rate in all catagories. There was not a weak voice in all the cast. They were, to a person, excellent. I especially liked Marlis Petersen as Adele, the chambermaid, who had a terrific voice and acting skills not to mention her ability to do the splits in the midst of a dance number. It was truly an impressive (force five twister) performance.

Listening to..
"The Rodeo Eroded" - Tin Hat Trio (2002) Rope a Dope Records

WHAT'S NEW ARCHIVES (uh, What's Old)

Winter 2005-06Spring 2006Summer 2006Fall 2006