IT'S SPRING! Play ball!

So, spring is well under way and as usual I am slow on the uptake. Nonetheless, it is indeed spring in the heartland which usually goes something like, "Oh hell, when is this winter ever going to end (Monday)" to "Can you believe how #!&*%! hot it is today? (Tuesday)." A friend and I went to a Cubs night game on April 25 (against the Marlins). It got down to 33 degrees farenheit around the sixth inning and we all were just trying to keep our beer from freezing over the rest of the game. Then a couple of weeks later we hit 95 degrees and everyone was staggering around from heat, shock, and awe.

DISTRACTIONS, Major and Minor

Currently reading...
"The Silver Chair" by C.S. Lewis (1953) HarperCollins

"Wrestling with Depression" by William and Lucy Hulme (1995) Augsburg Fortress

Recently read...
"Walking the Bible" by Bruce Feiler, (March 20, 2001) Publisher William Morrow

Recently seen...
The DaVinci Code
Personally, I thought it was a be jumble without much going for it. In the book, the main character had something going with the young leading lady. That was not happening with Hanks and Tatou. I give it a vacuum cleaner rating (it sucked).

The Cubs vs. the Marlins
Cubs win 3 to 1. Sean Marshall against Dontrelle Willis
April 25, 2006, seats to the right side of home plate!
Rookie pitcher, Sean Marshall at 6 ft. 7 in., was so tall it made him look like he was ten feet from home plate. I've seen him pitch on TV and you really can't understand how he can get away with an 86 mile an hour fastball and strike people out. The reason is his release point on his long left arm is in your face by the time he let's go of the ball. I think he's got a future in the "bigs," I really do. And get this, he has a twin brother in the Red Sox farm system. It would be really wild to see those two pitch against each other, a World Series? Ok, enough. The game was a F5!

Listening to..
"Speaking of Faith ©" Krista Tippet hosts this weekly audible production for American Public Media (2006) with a link to downloadable podcasts. Links found at the website.

"Beneath This Gruff Exterior" - John Hiatt and the Goners (2003) New West Records


Winter 2005-06