It's a sketchbook.

I don't think there has been an artist that hasn't been asked something along the lines of "yeah, well, what's it for?" After a moment or two of mumbling, there's an attempt to say something important, which usually fails miserably. If someone asks what art is for, you have to know that the discussion is not going to end in a satisfying way for either party. As for this site, the same dynamics apply. If you are an artist, or had some artistic intention in you at some time or other, the idea that this is a sketchbook should suffice. For those who have never had a sketchbook, I can tell you it is the place where all the things you come across, in your thinking or in your life, have a reasonable chance of ending up. And like life, it is organized in an arbitrary way. Things just end up some place because, well because...mumble, mumble.

Otherwise you may notice a sort of organizational structure that relates to the letters of "forces at play" because, well because...mumble, mumble. Anyway, it's just the sort of place to dump ideas and images, mostly images I guess, that have something to do with what I'm thinking about, which includes a shameless listing of my qualifications and experience should I be on the job market again.

Withstanding all that, I hope you enjoy the site, and if you have any suggestions or interactions, please use the comments form on the exit page.

So until our links meet again,
Best wishes,
Alain Hentschel